¡Parcialmente financiado! :)
Este proyecto finalizó el día Friday, December 14, 2018 y podrá realizar un plan alternativo.

Un ecógrafo para Tekoporã

Necesitamos un ecografo para atender mejor a las mujeres que pasan por nuestra salita de salud comunitaria Tekopora
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Recaudó $ 54 USD
$ 54 USD
de $ 242 USD
Funded with 22%
105 colaboradores recaudaron $ 54 USD haciendo realidad éste proyecto!
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What is Tekoporã?

We are a self-managed, feminist and diverse space for community health. We understand health as a process that involves individual and social dimensions, related to our bodies, our context, our emotions, ideas and projects.

Which is our objective?

The objective is to provide comprehensive care and carry out prevention and health promotion actions respecting the rights of all.

What do we do?

Among other activities, we conduct free gynecological care days in the neighborhoods of Mataderos and Parque Avellaneda, and we share in the (non) waiting room knowledge about sexual health. In these meetings we build knowledge and learn to take care of ourselves. We provide and promote access to information for free and autonomous decision-making about our bodies and our lives, especially in cases of unwanted pregnancies.

Why do we need a ultrasound scanner?

We need an ultrasound scanner to prevent women who come to our space from having to make long trips to different services to access this practice and quickly have the information they need about their health and pregnancy. A while ago we won a project and got half the money, but with your help we can achieve our goal of getting the ultrasound scanner! Thank you for collaborating and contributing in the construction of other health models!


En caso de no recaudar el 100% de nuestro objetivo económico haremos lo siguiente:

  • Con el 10%

    Invertiremos el dinero en otros materiales necesarios para seguir garantizando la atención ginecológica en nuestro espacio, como son: Espéculos, endobrushs, DIUs para su colocación, vidrios portaobjetos, lámpara, esterilizador.

  • Con el 25%

    Realizaremos noches culturales feministas y colecta puerta a puerta para recaudar el dinero restante y comprar un ecógrafo portátil usado (marca Mindray o similar) + un transductor

  • Con el 50%

    Compraremos un ecógrafo portátil usado (marca Mindray o similar) + un transductor.

  • Con el 75%

    Compraremos un ecógrafo portátil nuevo (marca Mindray o similar) + un transductor, sin la impresora, esta quedará para otra campaña de recaudación.


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